


赛事: 在线直播 ,热门关注欧洲杯足球场上的气氛描写英语翻译,2024欧洲杯直播,提供高清在线免费足球直播,让您尽情感受激烈的比赛现场,全程无插件免费观看直播,为您呈现最热门的在线观看足球赛事!



To FC Bayern Munich:

Dear All,
Good day. I"m your fan from China.This is the first time I write to you. Wish my letter would bring you my best wishes and sincereset regards.
I was start watching the Germany Bundesliga in 10. Ever since then, I fell in love with you Bayern Munich. Till now, I"m already 16 years old.
I love Germany football. I love Germany Bundesliga. I love red. And I love you, Bayern Munich.
I was deeply impressed and moved by your football spirit. It is the spirit of enterprise, the spirit of never give up even at the last minute and the pirit of Teuton.Besides, I also love your preciseness.
I began watching football games in 2002, when I was 10 years old. It is also at that year and in the European Cup that I met you, you red, sharp and enthusiastic Bayern Munich. Although you losed in the final game with Real Madrid C.F., you gained my love and respect. In 2002, you crushed into the final game of World Cup. Although you losed the champion again in the final game with Brizal by 0:2, you still worth our admiration and compliment. Although your proformance in last year was not so satisfiable, I believe that things would go better this year. The sign-up of Ribery,Toni,Klose and other stars would surely bring you a great success. You already did a great job both in the Bundesliga and UEFA Cup. I believe that you would surely win double champion in these two matches.

The 2002 UEFA Cup is coming, I believe such a sharp, calm and enthusiastic as you can not lose the champion, can"t you?

Would you please send me a club magazine to help me learn more about you? Thank you.

My best and sincerist wishes again.

Yours faithfuly fans,


欧洲杯的英文名称是European Football Championship。
1960年举行第一届,其后每四年举行一届,已举办15届。赛事创办时名称为 European Nations Cup,其后于1968年改名为European Football Championship。该项赛事最初的目的是为了填补两届世界杯之间4年的空白,从而让欧洲各国有更多的比赛机会。



08 European Cup in 08 yeas June 2 to June 29 from Switzerland and Austria jointly organized.08 European Cup with the ball as "Europe Pass" (EU-ROPASS).


Dear C Ronaldo :
Hello, I, a faithful fun from China. You have been my favourite for years. Today, to write all my admiration and asporations to you, I hope this will diliver my best wishes and love to you.
I came with the first favourite sight of you in the year of 2004, Euro Championship. It has been four years. That time, Portugal was in the final with a disappointed result 1:0 to Greece. But your outstanding performance really shook me. It"s you that makes me a soccer fun, even a Portgual fun, and I became a crazy fun of that sharp winger-you, and a fun of your marvelous dribble. The 2008 Euro Championship is coming and I wish you and your team will defeat all rivals, finally holding that glittery 劳德内杯.
Regarding Man Utd, it is the hottest team this ye


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